YOLOv8 Aimbot code with mouse movement and clicks

In this tutorial, we will explore the integration of yolov8 aimbot computer vision (YOLO) and mouse control using an Arduino in the context of an automated bot. This setup is particularly useful for tasks such as in-game aiming assistance or robotic control that requires precise and dynamic mouse movements.

To access the training and sourcing datasets, check out this guide: Yolov8 Aimbot with ultralytics and roboflow

For github source use: https://github.com/slyautomation/yolov8

We will begin by exploring two essential pieces of the yolov8 aimbot project:

  1. Mouse Control with PyArduinoBot: This involves smooth and controlled movement of the mouse cursor via serial communication with an Arduino. The goal is to break down a large mouse movement into smaller incremental steps, ensuring smooth movement that can be used in FPS games or similar applications. PyArduinoBot is designed to send these precise movements to the Arduino, which in turn controls the mouse.
  2. Object Detection with YOLO and Custom Automation: Using a YOLO (You Only Look Once) model for real-time object detection, we can identify objects of interest on the screen, calculate their position, and move the mouse towards them. The YOLO model processes the image, identifies bounding boxes around the objects, and we use that data to determine the coordinates to which the mouse should move.


   import cv2
   import keyboard
   import numpy as np
   import scipy
   import serial
   import torch
   import ultralytics
   from mss import mss
   from ultralytics import YOLO
   from ultralytics.utils.plotting import Annotator
   import PyArduinoBot_v2
   from PyArduinoBot_v2 import arduino_mouse
  • cv2: OpenCV, used for image processing.
  • keyboard: For keyboard interaction detection (e.g., keypress detection).
  • numpy (np): Used for numerical operations, including handling image data.
  • scipy: Used for spatial calculations like finding the nearest point.
  • serial: For communicating with Arduino via serial connection.
  • torch: PyTorch for GPU-accelerated computation.
  • ultralytics: A package for using YOLO models for object detection.
  • mss: A package for screenshot capture.
  • PyArduinoBot_v2: Custom module related to Arduino control.
  • YOLO: Object detection model from ultralytics.
  • Annotator: For adding annotations (text, boxes) to images.

Global Variables:

   PyArduinoBot_v2.FOV = 1.2
   PyArduinoBot_v2.FPS = True
   PyArduinoBot_v2.num_steps = 10
  • Sets some parameters for PyArduinoBot_v2:
    • Field of View (FOV): Set to 1.2.
    • FPS: Enabled.
    • num_steps: Steps set to 10.

run_checks Function:

   def run_checks():
       print("Using GPU:", torch.cuda.is_available())
  • ultralytics.checks(): Performs checks on the YOLO model installation.
  • torch.cuda.is_available(): Checks if GPU (CUDA) is available and prints the result.

mouse_action Function:

   def mouse_action(x, y, button):
       global fov, arduino
       arduino_mouse(x, y, ard=arduino, button=button, winType='FPS')
  • arduino_mouse: Sends the coordinates (x, y) and button info to the Arduino mouse module for input simulation.

custom_predict Function:

   def custom_predict(sourc='screen', sav=True, sho=False, imgs=(800, 800), con=0.3, save_tx=False):
       predictions = model.predict(source=sourc, save=sav, show=sho, imgsz=imgs, conf=con, save_txt=save_tx)
       boxes_data = []
       for result in predictions:
           boxes = result.boxes
           for box in boxes:
               b = box.xyxy[0]
               c = box.cls
               conf = box.conf[0]
               label = f"{model.names[int(c)]} {conf*100:.2f}%"
               boxes_data.append((b, label))
       return boxes_data
  • custom_predict: Uses the YOLO model to predict objects from an image source. It extracts the bounding boxes and labels from the model’s predictions.

Main Execution Block:

   if __name__ == '__main__':
       global arduino
       port = 'COM5'
       baudrate = 115200
       arduino = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=.1)
       monitor = {"top": 0, "left": 0, "width": 1920, "height": 1080}
       sct = mss()
       mod = 'valorantv2.pt'
       model = YOLO(mod)
       Bot = True
       while Bot:
           close_points = []
           img = np.array(sct.grab(monitor))
           img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2BGR)
           bigger = cv2.resize(img, (800, 800))
           boxes_data = custom_predict(sourc=bigger, sav=False, sho=False)
  • Sets up Arduino connection:
    • Port: ‘COM5’.
    • Baudrate: 115200.
  • Screen Capture: Uses mss() to capture the screen within the monitor dimensions.
  • Loads YOLO Model: YOLO(mod) loads the model from a file (valorantv2.pt).

Yolov8 Object Detection and Display:

           for box, label in boxes_data:
               box = [int(coord * 1920 / 800) if i % 2 == 0 else int(coord * 1080 / 800) for i, coord in enumerate(box)]
               start_point = (box[0], box[1])
               end_point = (box[2], box[3])
               center_x = round((box[0] + box[2]) / 2)
               height = box[3] - box[1]
               center_y = round(box[1] + 0.1 * height)
               img = cv2.rectangle(img, start_point, end_point, color, thickness)
               img = cv2.circle(img, (center_x, center_y), radius=2, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1)
               img = cv2.putText(img, label, (box[0], box[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, color, thickness)
               close_points.append((center_x, center_y))
  • Processes Object Detections:
    • Rescales the bounding box to the original screen dimensions.
    • Draws a rectangle around detected objects.
    • Marks the center of each box with a small circle and appends it to close_points.

This code is processing bounding boxes detected by the YOLO model and annotating the image with rectangles, circles, and text labels based on the objects detected. Let’s break it down step by step:

1. Rescaling the Bounding Box:

   box = [int(coord * 1920 / 800) if i % 2 == 0 else int(coord * 1080 / 800) for i, coord in enumerate(box)]
  • Purpose: The bounding box coordinates generated by YOLO are based on a smaller image resolution (800×800). This line rescales the bounding box to the resolution of the original image (1920×1080).
  • Mechanism:
    • The enumerate(box) function iterates over each coordinate in the box list.
    • If the coordinate is an x coordinate (even index), it is scaled by multiplying with the ratio 1920 / 800.
    • If the coordinate is a y coordinate (odd index), it is scaled by 1080 / 800.

2. Defining the Bounding Box Corners:

   start_point = (box[0], box[1])
   end_point = (box[2], box[3])
  • Purpose: Defines the starting point (top-left corner) and the ending point (bottom-right corner) of the bounding box on the image.
  • Explanation: box[0] and box[1] are the coordinates for the top-left corner, while box[2] and box[3] are the coordinates for the bottom-right corner.

3. Calculating the Center of the Box:

   center_x = round((box[0] + box[2]) / 2)
   height = box[3] - box[1]
   center_y = round(box[1] + 0.1 * height)
  • Purpose: Calculates the center of the bounding box, which is often used for determining the center of the object detected.
  • Center X: The center_x is calculated by averaging the x coordinates of the top-left and bottom-right corners.
  • Center Y: The center_y is offset by 10% of the bounding box height, placing it slightly below the top of the box. This slight adjustment to position the center more accurately towards the objects head position.

4. Drawing the Bounding Box:

   img = cv2.rectangle(img, start_point, end_point, color, thickness)
  • Purpose: Draws the bounding box around the detected object.
  • Mechanism: The cv2.rectangle() function draws a rectangle on the image img using the start_point and end_point coordinates. The color and thickness are specified to style the rectangle.

5. Drawing a Center Circle:

   img = cv2.circle(img, (center_x, center_y), radius=2, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=-1)
  • Purpose: Draws a small circle at the calculated center of the bounding box.
  • Mechanism: The cv2.circle() function draws a circle at (center_x, center_y) with a radius of 2 pixels and a red color (0, 0, 255). The thickness -1 means the circle is filled.

6. Adding a Label to the Image:

   img = cv2.putText(img, label, (box[0], box[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, color, thickness)
  • Purpose: Places the class label and confidence score of the detected object just above the bounding box.
  • Mechanism: The cv2.putText() function adds the label string at the position slightly above the top-left corner of the bounding box (box[0], box[1] - 10). It uses the cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX font, a size of 0.5, and the specified color and thickness.

7. Tracking Close Points:

   close_points.append((center_x, center_y))
  • Purpose: Appends the center coordinates of the bounding box to the close_points list. This list is typically used later in the script for identifying the closest detected object to a reference point, like the center of the screen.


This code handles the yolov8 aimbot visualization of detected objects by drawing bounding boxes, marking the centers, and labeling the objects with their class and confidence scores. It also stores the centers of these boxes for potential further use in decision-making, such as moving the mouse towards the nearest object. The rescaling of the bounding boxes ensures that the coordinates match the original image size, and the use of OpenCV functions provides the drawing and text-adding functionality.

Yolov8 Aimbot Mouse Action Based on Detection:

           if len(close_points) != 0:
               pt = (960, 540)
                   closest = close_points[scipy.spatial.KDTree(close_points).query(pt)[1]]
                   if keyboard.is_pressed("shift"):
                       mouse_action(closest[0], closest[1], button='left')
  • KDTree: Finds the closest detected object to the center of the screen using spatial querying.
  • Keyboard Trigger: If the “Shift” key is pressed, the mouse moves towards the closest object and triggers an action (simulating a mouse click) for the yolov8 aimbot.

Display and Loop Continuation:

           cv2.imshow("images", img)
  • Continuously shows the processed frame (img) with detected objects and waits for 5 milliseconds before continuing the loop.

yolov8 aimbot PyArduinoBot_v2

Imports and Initial Setup


import ctypes
import math
import random
import time
import ctypes.wintypes
import serial
  • ctypes and ctypes.wintypes: These are used for interacting with the Windows API, allowing for low-level system tasks like manipulating the mouse cursor.
  • math and random: For mathematical operations and random number generation.
  • time: Used for delays in program execution.
  • serial: For communicating with an Arduino via a serial connection.

Global Variables:

num_steps = 10
FOV = 1.0
FPS = False
timeBeginPeriod = ctypes.windll.winmm.timeBeginPeriod #new
timeBeginPeriod(1) #new
  • num_steps: This controls how many steps the mouse will move in a sequence to simulate smoother movement.
  • FOV: Field of View scaling factor, used to adjust the mouse movement based on in-game sensitivity or other factors.
  • FPS: Determines whether the program should assume that the mouse should start from a fixed point, as in a first-person shooter (default is (960, 540)).
  • timeBeginPeriod(1): Sets the system timer resolution to 1ms to improve the accuracy of time.sleep() in Windows, making the program more responsive.

yolov8 aimbot Mouse Position and Movement Calculation

Cursor Position:

def _position():
    """Returns the current xy coordinates of the mouse cursor as a two-integer
    tuple by calling the GetCursorPos() win32 function.

      (x, y) tuple of the current xy coordinates of the mouse cursor.

    cursor = ctypes.wintypes.POINT()
    return (cursor.x, cursor.y)
  • _position(): Retrieves the current mouse cursor’s position using Windows API calls via ctypes.
  1. Point on Line Calculation:
def getPointOnLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, n):
    global FOV, num_steps, storagex, adj_storagex, storagey, adj_storagey
    Returns an (x, y) tuple of the point that has progressed a proportion ``n`` along the line defined by the two
    ``x1``, ``y1`` and ``x2``, ``y2`` coordinates.

    This function was copied from pytweening module, so that it can be called even if PyTweening is not installed.
    print("Target x:", x2 - x1)
    print("Target x FOV:", (x2 - x1) * FOV)
    x = (((x2 - x1) * (1 / (num_steps)))) * FOV
    y = (((y2 - y1) * (1 / (num_steps)))) * FOV
    storagex += x
    storagey += y
    print("x:", x)
    print("Storage x:", storagex)
    if x < 0:
        f_x = str(math.ceil(abs(x)) * -1)
        adj_storagex += math.ceil(abs(x)) * -1
        f_x = str(math.ceil(x))
        adj_storagex += math.ceil(x)
    if y < 0:
        f_y = str(math.ceil(abs(y)) * -1)
        adj_storagey += math.ceil(abs(y)) * -1
        f_y = str(math.ceil(y))
        adj_storagey += math.ceil(y)
    print("Adj Storage x:", adj_storagex)
    print(f_x, f_y)
    return (f_x + ":" + f_y)
  • getPointOnLine_v1() and getPointOnLine(): These functions calculate incremental mouse movement based on a start point (x1, y1) and target point (x2, y2). The functions calculate movement in steps based on the num_steps variable and apply the FOV scaling factor.
  • The storagex and storagey variables accumulate the calculated steps, and adj_storagex and adj_storagey adjust the actual movements sent to the Arduino.

The function getPointOnLine() calculates a point on a straight line between two given points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in a grid (typically screen coordinates). The function breaks down the movement between these two points into smaller steps, using a scaling factor based on the FOV (Field of View) and the total number of steps num_steps. This is often used for simulating smooth, incremental mouse movement.

Function Parameters:

  • x1, y1: The starting coordinates of the movement.
  • x2, y2: The target coordinates of the movement.
  • n: The current step number (between 0 and num_steps - 1). This represents the progress along the line from start to end.

Global Variables:

  • FOV: A scaling factor that adjusts the movement based on the field of view. It affects how far the mouse moves in each step.
  • num_steps: Total number of steps over which the movement from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) will be divided. Each step makes the movement smoother.
  • storagex, adj_storagex, storagey, adj_storagey: These variables accumulate the actual and adjusted values of the mouse’s movement over all steps. storagex and storagey track the total distance moved, while adj_storagex and adj_storagey track the integer values sent to the Arduino, ensuring any discrepancies between the stored and actual positions are corrected at the final step.

Breakdown of yolov8 aimbot Code Logic:

Print Statements:

  • print("Target x:", x2 - x1): Prints the total distance to be covered along the x-axis.
  • print("Target x FOV:", (x2 - x1) * FOV): Prints the total distance to be covered along the x-axis after applying the FOV scaling factor.

Calculating Movement for Current Step:

  • x = (((x2 - x1) * (1 / num_steps))) * FOV: This computes the incremental movement along the x-axis for this step. The distance (x2 - x1) is divided by num_steps to get the portion of movement to apply for the current step, which is then scaled by the FOV.
  • y = (((y2 - y1) * (1 / num_steps))) * FOV: Same calculation for the y-axis.

Accumulate the Movement:

  • storagex += x and storagey += y: These variables accumulate the floating-point movement values for every step, allowing the function to keep track of the total movement along each axis.

Adjust the Movement for Arduino (Integer Conversion):

  • Since the Arduino requires integer values to control the mouse, the function converts the floating-point increments into integers.
  • If x < 0: Convert the floating-point x value to a negative integer using math.ceil(abs(x)) * -1.
  • Else: Convert the floating-point x value to a positive integer using math.ceil(x).
  • This ensures the integer value sent to the Arduino accurately represents the movement while also accumulating these adjusted values in adj_storagex and adj_storagey.

Handling the Final Step:

  • if n == num_steps - 1: In the last step (n equals num_steps - 1), the function checks if the accumulated integer values (adj_storagex and adj_storagey) match the floating-point totals (storagex and storagey). If there’s any discrepancy, the function adjusts the final values sent to the Arduino to correct this error.

Return Statement:

  • return (f_x + ":" + f_y): The function returns the calculated movement as a formatted string, where f_x is the integer movement for the x-axis and f_y is the integer movement for the y-axis. These values are sent to the Arduino for execution.


The function ensures that the mouse movement between two points is smooth and gradual. By breaking the movement into smaller steps and converting floating-point values to integers, it allows for precise control of the mouse, which is essential in gaming scenarios or automated interactions where accuracy and smoothness matter.

It also ensures that rounding errors (due to the conversion to integers) are corrected in the final step, ensuring the mouse always reaches its target position accurately.

Mouse Movement Command:

def _mouseMoveDrag(x, y, ard=None, winType=None):
    global previousList, lastList, num_steps, adj_storagex, storagex, storagey, adj_storagey

    adj_storagex = 0
    storagex = 0
    storagey = 0
    adj_storagey = 0
    if winType == 'FPS':
        startx, starty = (960, 540)
        startx, starty = _position()

    arduino = ard
    # If the duration is small enough, just move the cursor there instantly.
    steps = [(x, y)]
    print('num_steps:', num_steps)
    print("start:", startx, starty)
    steps = [getPointOnLine(startx, starty, x, y, n) for n in range(num_steps)]
    #print("Final Coords sent:", steps)
    # Making sure the last position is the actual destination.
    if not FPS:

    steps = str(steps)
    print("Final Coords sent:", steps)
    arduino.write(bytes(steps, 'utf-8'))
  • _mouseMoveDrag(): Handles moving the mouse from its current position to a target (x, y) position. It uses getPointOnLine() to break down the movement into steps and communicates the calculated positions to the Arduino.

yolov8 aimbot Arduino Communication

This uses the same code for the arduino aimbot as:

aimbot Github Source: https://github.com/slyautomation/valorant_aimbot

For the written guide on the arduino aimbot code, guide check out: https://www.slyautomation.com/blog/valorant-aimbot-with-color-detection-with-python/

Mouse Movement with Arduino:

def arduino_mouse(x=100, y=100, ard=None, button=None, winType=None):
    #print("arduino mouse is:", button)
    #if button == None:
    _mouseMoveDrag(x, y, ard=ard, winType=winType)
    time_start = time.time()
    stat = getLatestStatus(ard)
    #print(time.time() - time_start)
    if button == None:
    c = random.uniform(0.02,0.05)
    #print("passed arduino mouse is:", button)
    if button == 'left':
        ard.write(bytes(button, 'utf-8'))
        stat = getLatestStatus(ard)
    if button == 'right':
        ard.write(bytes(button, 'utf-8'))
        stat = getLatestStatus(ard)
  • arduino_mouse(): Sends the movement or click commands to the Arduino via a serial connection. It moves the mouse or simulates clicks (left or right) based on the provided x, y coordinates and button input (left or right). It waits for a response from the Arduino and introduces slight random delays to simulate natural mouse behavior.

Arduino Response Handling:

def getLatestStatus(ard=None):
    status = 'Nothing'
    while ard.inWaiting() > 0:
        status = ard.readline()
    return status
  • getLatestStatus(): Reads any response from the Arduino to check the status of the last command.

yolov8 aimbot Key Functionality Summary:

  • Mouse movement is simulated by calculating a series of small steps between the current position and the target, then sending these coordinates to the Arduino.
  • Arduino-controlled mouse actions: The Arduino receives these commands and moves the actual mouse hardware, optionally performing clicks.
  • FPS Mode: When enabled, the mouse always starts from a fixed center point, which is typical in first-person shooter games.

yolov8 aimbot Conclusion

In this tutorial, we explored the powerful combination of real-time object detection using yolov8 aimbot; YOLO and precise mouse control via PyArduinoBot. By leveraging these technologies, we can automate mouse movements with accuracy, making it useful for applications such as robotic control, screen interaction, or even gaming.

However, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of fair play and adhering to the terms of service of any game or software. Automation tools, while powerful, should be used responsibly. In the gaming world, using automation to gain an unfair advantage can result in penalties, bans, and harm to the integrity of the community. The technologies discussed here have legitimate uses beyond gaming, such as in robotics, assistive technologies, and automation, but always be mindful of ethical considerations.

As developers and creators, we should strive to use these tools to innovate and solve problems while respecting the boundaries of fair competition and digital ethics.

Need a game to play with an aimbot? check out this: Krunker Aimbot with Yolov8 and Roboflow

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