Cookie Clicker Hack – List

Here’s a list of cookie clicker hack along with step-by-step instructions. These are simple browser-based hacks and do not require any special tools. Note that these hacks are for educational purposes and can break the intended gameplay experience.

1. Add Cookie Clicker Hack

This cookie clicker hack method instantly adds cookies to your game.


  1. Open Cookie Clicker in your browser.
  1. Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect or press Ctrl + Shift + I to open the Developer Tools.
  1. Go to the Console tab in Developer Tools.
  1. Type the following command to add a large number of cookies:
   Game.cookies = Game.cookies + 1000000000;
  1. Press Enter. You will immediately see your cookie count increase by 1 billion.
  2. You can adjust the number as needed by replacing the 1000000000 with any amount of cookies.

2. Unlock All Upgrades and Achievements

This cookie clicker hack unlocks all upgrades and achievements in the game.


  1. Follow steps 1-3 above to open the Developer Tools and access the Console.
  2. Type the following command:
  1. Press Enter. All upgrades will now be unlocked.
  2. To unlock all achievements, type the following command in the Console:
  1. Press Enter. All achievements will now be unlocked.

3. Instantly Complete a Golden Cookie

This cookie clicker hack instantly clicks and completes a Golden Cookie event.


  1. Open Developer Tools and navigate to the Console.
  2. Type the following command:
Game.goldenClicks = Game.goldenClicks + 100000;
  1. Press Enter. This will simulate a 100000 clicks on a Golden Cookie, giving you its rewards.

4. Change Cookie Production Rate

You can speed up cookie production with this cookie clicker hack by increasing the rate at which cookies are produced.


  1. Open Developer Tools and go to the Console.
  2. Type the following command:
   Game.cookiesPs = Game.cookiesPs + 1000000;
  1. Press Enter. Your cookie production per second will increase by1 million cookies. You can adjust the number to set a different production rate.

5. Set Infinite Cookies

If you want to give yourself unlimited cookies, this Cookie Clicker hack method is for you.


  1. Open Developer Tools and access the Console.
  2. Type the following command:
   Game.cookies = Infinity;
  1. Press Enter. Your cookies will now be set to infinity, essentially giving you unlimited cookies.

6. Earn Sugar Lumps Instantly

Sugar lumps are used for special upgrades, and this cookie clicker hack allows you to instantly earn them.


  1. Open Developer Tools and go to the Console.
  2. Type the following command:
  1. Press Enter. This will add 100 sugar lumps to your game. You can adjust the number to add more or fewer lumps.

7. Change Building Count

You can increase the number of any building you own using this cookie clicker hack method.


  1. Open Developer Tools and go to the Console.
  2. Type the following command (replace X with the building number and Y with the quantity):
   Game.ObjectsById[X].amount = Game.ObjectsById[X].amount Y;

For example, to increase the number of Cursors by 100:

   Game.ObjectsById[0].amount = Game.ObjectsById[0].amount + 100;

Each building type has an index number, for example:

  • 0: Cursor
  • 1: Grandma
  • 2: Farm
  • 3: Mine
  • etc.
  1. Press Enter. The number of the specified building will now be updated.

8. Reset Cookies and Game Progress

If you want to start fresh or simply clear everything in the game, you can reset it with this cookie clicker hack command.


  1. Open Developer Tools and go to the Console.
  2. Type the following command:
  1. Press Enter. This will reset your game and clear all progress.

9. Ruin the Fun – Ultimate cookie clicker hack!

The RuinTheFun() command in Cookie Clicker is a built-in cheat function that essentially “breaks” the game by unlocking a lot of features and giving you a huge amount of resources. Here’s what it does specifically:

  1. Gives you 1 quadrillion cookies: It instantly adds 1 quadrillion cookies to your game.
  2. Unlocks all upgrades: All available upgrades are unlocked, including those that are otherwise hidden or difficult to obtain.
  3. Unlocks all achievements: All achievements in the game are unlocked.
  4. Unlocks all buildings: All buildings are available for purchase, even if you don’t have enough cookies to normally afford them.
  5. Enables the debug mode: It toggles debug mode, which allows you to manipulate various aspects of the game.

Essentially, using RuinTheFun() gives you the ability to fully explore the game and all of its features without the need to progress naturally. It’s a major cheat that lets you experience everything the game has to offer in a very short amount of time.

Full list of Cookie clicker hacks

Here’s a rewritten list of Cookie Clicker hacks with explanations for each one:

  • Game.Achievements['<achievement name>'].won = 1;
    Unlock a specific achievement: Replace <achievement name> with the desired achievement to unlock it.
  • Game.Ascend(1);
    Ascend your game: Move to a heavenly space, converting your cookies into Heavenly Chips and Prestige.
  • Game.AscendTimer = <time>;
    Change the Ascend Timer: Modify the time required for ascension.
  • Game.bakeryName = "<bakery name>";
    Rename your bakery: Set a new name for your bakery.
  • Game.bakeryNameRefresh();
    Refresh bakery name: Update the bakery name after changing it.
  • Game.BuildAscendTree();
    Build the Ascension Tree: Rebuild the Ascension Tree after ascending.
  • Game.buyBulk = <1/10/100>;
    Change buy amount: Set the bulk purchase amount (1, 10, or 100 items).
  • Game.CalculateGains();
    Recalculate gains: Update the game’s calculations for cookie production and gains.
  • Game.computedMouseCps;
    Check mouse cookies per second (CPS): See the amount of cookies per second generated by clicks.
  • Game.computedMouseCps = <desired amount>;
    Set mouse CPS: Change the number of cookies you generate per click.
  • Game.dragonLevel = <level>;
    Set dragon level: Adjust the level of your dragon in the game.
  • Game.gainLumps(<amount>);
    Add sugar lumps: Gain the specified amount of sugar lumps.
  • Game.Has('<achievement name>');
    Check if an achievement is unlocked: Verify if a specific achievement is unlocked.
  • Game.killShimmers();
    Remove all shimmers: Clear all shimmers, including Golden Cookies.
  • Game.LoadSave();
    Load a saved game: Load your saved game progress.
  • Game.LoadSave(local);
    Load a local save file: Load a save file from local storage.
  • Game.localStorageGet(Game.SaveTo);
    Save the game locally: Save your game data to local storage.
  • Game.MaxSpecials();
    Maximize special bonuses: Unlock the maximum number of special bonuses.
  • Game.Milk = <amount>;
    Set milk amount: Change the amount of milk you have.
  • Game.milkProgress = <milk amount>;
    Adjust milk progress: Set your milk progression level.
  • Game.mousePointer = 0;
    Change mouse pointer: Modify the appearance of the mouse pointer in the game.
  • Game.particlesUpdate();
    Update particle effects: Refresh the particle effects on the screen.
  • Game.popups = 0;
    Disable popups: Turn off the game’s popup notifications.
  • Game.RuinTheFun(1);
    Unlock everything: Instantly unlock all achievements, upgrades, and features.
  • Game.santaLevel = <level>;
    Set Santa level: Adjust the level of Santa in the game.
  • Game.sesame = 0;
    Toggle Sesame debug mode: Enable or disable Sesame mode (debug tools).
  • Game.SesameReset();
    Reset the game: Completely reset the game and start fresh.
  • Game.SetAllAchievs(1);
    Unlock all achievements: Instantly unlock all in-game achievements.
  • Game.SetAllUpgrade(1);
    Unlock all upgrades: Instantly unlock all available upgrades.
  • Game.Win('<achievement name>');
    Unlock a specific achievement: Another way to unlock a chosen achievement.
  • Timer.track('milk');
    Track milk timer: Start tracking the time related to milk production.
  • Game.Achievements["Cheated cookies taste awful"].won=0
    Remove cheat achievement: Removes the cheat acheivement from the game log.

This updated list explains how each command affects the game, helping you use these hacks more easily.

Here’s the separation of glitch fix/debugging hacks and reset hacks for Cookie Clicker:

Glitch Fix and Debugging Hacks:

  • Game.DebuggingPrestige = false;
    Debug Prestige: Helps in debugging or fixing issues with your Prestige system.
  • Game.debugTimersOn = <0 or 1>;
    Toggle Debug Timers: Turn the debug timers off (0) or on (1).
  • Game.DebugUpgradeCpS();
    Debug Upgrades CPS: Fix or debug the cookies per second (CPS) related to upgrades.
  • Game.GetAllDebugs();
    Get All Debug Information: Retrieve all available debug options for the game.

Reset Hacks:

  • Game.HardReset(2);
    Hard Reset: Completely resets your game to its initial state. Be cautious as this removes all progress.

How to Use:

  1. Open Developer Tools in your browser (Ctrl + Shift + I).
  2. Go to the Console tab.
  3. Type the following command:
  1. Press Enter.

After executing the command, you’ll instantly gain massive cookies, all achievements, upgrades, and buildings, making the game almost “completed” in a way. It’s useful if you want to explore the game’s later stages quickly, but it can completely remove the challenge and progression.

Important Notes:

Hacks are temporary: These changes affect your current session. When you reload the page, you may need to reapply the hacks unless you save your game with the modified state.

Using a cookie clicker hack can ruin the experience: These hacks give you a major advantage, but they can also diminish the challenge and satisfaction of progressing through the game naturally.

Save your game before implementing a cookie clicker hack: Always create a backup of your game by exporting your save before attempting any hacks.

To view all the possible functions and variables for cookie clicker and use exploits view the file main.js?v=10b:

Using python to perform cookie clicker hack

Python can be used to make these JavaScript changes in Cookie Clicker by controlling the browser with a tool like Selenium. Selenium allows you to automate a browser and execute JavaScript code on web pages.

Steps to Use Python and Selenium for Cookie Clicker Hacks


  1. Install Selenium:
    You need to install Selenium for browser automation. You can do this via pip:
   pip install selenium
  1. Download WebDriver:
    Download a WebDriver for your browser (e.g., ChromeDriver for Google Chrome) and ensure it’s in your system’s PATH.

Python Script to Apply Hacks

Here’s an example of a Python script that uses Selenium to open Cookie Clicker, inject JavaScript into the game, and apply hacks:

from selenium import webdriver
from import By
import time

# Step 1: Set up the WebDriver (change the path to your WebDriver location)
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/path/to/chromedriver')

# Step 2: Open Cookie Clicker website

# Wait for the game to load (adjust time as needed)

# Step 3: Execute JavaScript to apply hacks
# Add cookies (e.g., 1 billion cookies)
driver.execute_script("Game.cookies = Game.cookies + 1000000000;")

# Unlock all upgrades

# Unlock all achievements

# Increase cookie production rate (e.g., 1 million cookies per second)
driver.execute_script("Game.cookiesPs = 1000000;")

# Click on a Golden Cookie (if present)
driver.execute_script("Game.goldenClicks = Game.goldenClicks + 100000;")

# Add sugar lumps (e.g., 100 lumps)

# Step 4: Keep the browser open for inspection
time.sleep(60)  # Keep the browser open for 1 minute


  1. Install Selenium and WebDriver: Make sure the correct browser driver is installed (e.g., chromedriver for Chrome).
  2. Open Cookie Clicker: The script navigates to the Cookie Clicker website.
  3. Inject JavaScript: The driver.execute_script() function allows you to execute JavaScript code on the webpage directly from Python, replicating the JavaScript console commands.
  4. Automate Hacks: Multiple JavaScript hacks are injected, such as adding cookies, unlocking upgrades, unlocking achievements, increasing production, and simulating golden cookie clicks.

Customizing the Script:

  • You can modify the JavaScript commands passed to driver.execute_script() to apply other hacks (e.g., changing building counts or resetting progress).
  • Use a loop if you want to execute some actions repeatedly (e.g., continually clicking Golden Cookies).


  • Browser visibility: The script runs the browser in a visible window, but you can also run it in headless mode by modifying the WebDriver options if you prefer not to see the browser.
  • Speed up loading: You may adjust the time.sleep() duration based on how quickly the game loads.

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